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Webinar “Where is
the Health money?”

Debate on financing SUS
Monday, May 9, 2022 at 5:00 PM

This coming Monday, May 9, 2022, at 5:00 pm, INICIATIVA SAÚDE and Instituto para a Reforma das Relações Estado Empresa (IREE) will promote an important debate on the financing of the SUS (Unified Health System in Brazil), based on the diagnosis that the resources destined to public health in Brazil are finite.
The online seminar has the participation of Brazilian and foreign specialists, to discuss how the resources allocated to the sector are used.


  • Dr. Maureen Lewis, international health sector consultant and former director of the World Bank;

  • Dr. Wilson Pollara, former Municipal Secretary of Health and former Deputy Secretary of Health for the State of São Paulo

  • Dr. André Cezar Medici, an international specialist in Economics and financing of the health sector.


Presentation moderators:

  • Dr. Raul Cutait, President of INITIATIVA SAÚDE

  • Baiena Souto, director of IREE Projects.


The event is free and open; follow it live by accessing the IREE-TV channel on Youtube: (opens on another page)

The teams from INICIATIVA SAÚDE and IREE thank you in advance for your prestige in this space for discussion and advancement of the SUS.

+55 (11) 3587-1430

 © 2022 by Alex Akermann - (+55-11) 99345-4463 

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