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Programs and Projects


Medical Education

Main issue: in the last 10 years, under the pretext of improving the distribution of physicians across the country, the number of medical schools has doubled and the number of admissions available have tripled. There is a lack of prepared teachers and adequate educational facilities. In addition, there is a lack of residency programs to train recent graduates.

  • It is necessary to determine the number of doctors needed in each region of the country, as well as to review the criteria for opening, operating and evaluating medical schools

  • It is necessary to program the evaluation of medical performance and the need for permanent updating programs, using technological tools and telemedicine


Integrated Regionalization

Main issue: despite constitutional requirement, SUS is not regionalized. There are directives, norms and guidelines for local systems to become regionalized, without practical results

  • Pilot project at CIR Piracicaba, carried out in partnership with FIESP/Consocial identified the need for a simple and practical approach

  • Analysis and dissemination of successful regionalization experiences in the country and abroad

  • Planning tools for creating integrated regional networks: manuals and existing models

Diverse Kindergarten

Early Childhood

Main issue: a significant proportion of Brazilian children are born and grow up in conditions of need, the consequences of which are reflected in their neuropsychomotor development

  • Attention to the first six years of life allows the child to develop normally, with a positive impact on their entire life. This is a highly complex issue as it requires intersectoral work (Health, Education, Environment, Culture, Economy) associated with a governmental effort at three levels (federal, state and municipal), with a multiprofessional and interdisciplinary approach.

  • Coherent, participatory and integrated plans and actions promote public policies that propose implementable solutions


Financing of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)

Main issue: SUS funding is insufficient to pay for the current situation. It is necessary to analyze the available data and the results achieved, on an ongoing basis and with transparent criteria accepted by stakeholders. An outsider may have the impression that the country's health authorities have no control over how SUS resources are spent.

  • SUS funding needs to be quantified and publicized with transparency to facilitate the discussion of the topic

  • The participation of States and Municipalities in financing SUS needs to be analyzed and thoroughly developed

Âncora Programas e projetos e atividades
Educação médica
Primeira infância
Regionalização integrada
Financiamento SUS


Banner do Webinar Onde está o dinheiro da saúde. Debate sobre Financiamento do Sistema Único de Saúde

Webinar “Where is the
health money?”.

Debate on SUS funding

This coming Monday, May 9th, 2022, at 5 pm, INICIATIVA SAÚDE and Instituto para a Reforma das Relações Estado Empresa (IREE) promote an important debate on the financing of the Unified Health System, based on the diagnosis that the resources destined for public health in Brazil are finite.

Effective action

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 © 2022 by Alex Akermann - (+55-11) 99345-4463 

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